
O, So Vintage...

                                                                                                     Outfit above: Designer

Hiya! Its been a while since I blogged as you may have noticed -but I've been so stressed out! Coursework here, homework there and social life out of the window. I thought I would take time out to share my outfit of the day. The first outfit is a shirt that my sister gave to me and a bow which was on a dress that I don't wear anymore. The second outfit is actually designer ! NO LIE! I'ts by Jean Paul Gaulteir, a french couture designer. The outfit is a one - arm suit, and from the 80's. It was my mum's.

I don't usually do OOTD's, mainly because I don't have the right clothes or the right camera to take it on. Don't get me wrong, I love cool, quirky and old-school clothes. In fact, I'm obsessed with the olden days! Like in 1950's - they way they would match their outfits was so effortless and sheek. the 80's was all about the bright, bold and manic clothing. The trends nowadays is basically a mix-and-match of fashion eras. You could wear bright coloured tights and a big white fur coat,  no one would actually care! (apart from those street style spotters, obviously).

 Hope you enjoyed my black and white pics! Just call me Cameo :P



Natalie Da Silva said...

Thank youu! xx

Walk On The Style Site said...

really nice snapshots! especially the first picture!

Natalie Da Silva said...

Aww thank you!! Much appreciated :)

I'll check out your blog too x

Maria said...

Well you´ve got a new follower! Your pictures, especially you are really really beautiful!

Natalie Da Silva said...

Thank you so much!! :D

I will follow you back XX

GrandyXO said...

Heeyy thank you so much for the follow hun cant believe that's Vintage a Jean Paul Gaulteir suit thats so amazing! Lovely blog hun I'll definitely follow you too xox

Unknown said...

Hi cameo, Just doing a random blog hopping, and I found yours.

I love vintage so much. And what attracts me most is the second photo.
For real? That's a designers? Great pick!

Keep posting on blog.
I'll be following you from now on.


Natalie Da Silva said...

Your soo welcome! I know, I didnt realsie either! thank you sooo much XOX

Natalie Da Silva said...

Mee too vintage is amazing! lool I swear it is! I didn't realize until recently!

Thank you soo much. i'll follow you too XO

sepatuholig-Grace Njio said...

I loooove the vintage Jean Paul Gaultier..... great post!

Natalie Da Silva said...

aww, Thank you!! XO

cmichellestyles said...

lovely bow tie

Unknown said...

love your dandy look with the cute bow tie! <3
would you like to follow each other?

Natalie Da Silva said...

Thank you!! & Sure! I'll follow you back XX

funwithjordan said...

Great blog! So cute, that bowtie!


Natalie Da Silva said...

Thank you! :D

Hola Bambi said...

Bowtie loveeee! X

Unknown said...

Lovely outfits, I'm in love with that 1 arm suit

Adaora x

Natalie Da Silva said...

thanks hunnie! x

Natalie Da Silva said...

thank youu hun! xx

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